Community » Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Opportunities

A new application must be completed every school year for every volunteer and for every school.

If you are a new volunteer, once you receive your application contact the District receptionist at 845-1631  to pick up authorization forms to get your fingerprints taken. You need to bring your state issued photo ID to your fingerprint appointment. The fingerprints are taken on designated days at the Beaumont Police Department.

You will be given a TB Voucher by the Receptionist at the District Office when you pick up paperwork for fingerprinting.

You may submit a negative TB test with your application, but it may be no more than 60 days old. If you are currently employed by another school district, you may submit a negative TB test as long as it has been done within the last four years. This is per our Board Policy/Administrative Regulation 1240.

Once you have been approved by the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, the school site will be notified. Please be advised that you are not approved to be on site as a volunteer until you receive the notification from the site.

Please allow ten business days for processing. Thank you for volunteering with our School District. We value your time and contribution to our children’s educational experience.
Please use the link below: