First Grade » First Grade

First Grade

The first grade teachers here at Three Rings Ranch Elementary school want to welcome you to a new school year! We have been working hard prepping and planning all summer long. This year we are looking forward to learning so many new things along with our students! We appreciate your taking the time to get your child settled into the "back to school routine". Communication is very important to all of us. Don't hesitate to contact us through email with any questions or concerns you may have.
Ticonderoga Pencils
Crayola Crayons (16 or 24 count)
Thin Markers (10 or 12 count)
EXPO Black Dry Erase Markers
Colored Pencils (10 or 12 count)
Glue Sticks (disappearing purple)
Elmer's School Glue (4 oz bottle)
Colors of the World Crayola Crayons, Markers, Colored Pencils
Pink Erasers
Pencil Boxes