Parents » Student Drop Off and Pickup Procedures

Student Drop Off and Pickup Procedures

Morning Procedures Grades 1-5
  1. Students may be dropped off in the parking lot “loop” in front of the school. They may also enter school by the side gate on Live Oak while gate is Supervised. All gates will be open at 8:30 am through 9:00 am. 
  2. Please do not have your child at school before 8:30 a.m. as there is no supervision. Students must be supervised at all times.
  3. We always have a crossing guard. Please do not cut across Claiborne Ave. as this is a safety issue.  We have a supervisor stationed in the “loop” to help direct traffic and supervise students. Please remember to always pull forward to release students.
  4. All students must enter school through the gate at the front of the school building (Gate 26). Students may not walk through the front door/lobby of the school without a parent. Students are not to go to their classrooms or walk through the hallways
  5. Students need to line up with their class on the blacktop when the 9:00 a.m. bell rings.
  6. All Gates will be closed at 9:00 am until the end of the school day.  If you are late you must enter through the Front Office and check in with the Attendance Office.
Morning Procedures TK/Kindergarten
  1. All students (early birds and late birds) will enter the TK/Kindergarten Gate (Green gate) by the front office. We will have security staff open the gate at 8:30 am through 9:00 for AM Classes and 11:10 am through 11:15 am for PM Classes. Please allow your student to leave the vehicle and walk to the gate. This allows for the traffic to move more safely and efficiently. If you prefer to walk your student to the gate, please park your car in the visitor section to safely walk your student to the gate. 
  2. Students may not walk through the front door/lobby of the school. Students are not to go to their classrooms or walk through the hallways. 
Afternoon Procedures Grades 1-5
  1. The “loop” parking lot in front of the school is closed at pick-up time. Students are walking through this area at dismissal and it would be a safety hazard to open this area. 
  2. Parents (or older siblings in grades 3-5) must pick up all 1st and 2nd grade students in front of the school. Students will be walked onto the sidewalk by their teacher as a class for family members to pick up the student(s). The student will come out of Gate 26. 
  3. 1st and 2nd grade students will not be allowed to walk out to the street for pick-up. They must be picked-up by parents/older siblings in front of the school.
  4. 1st and 2nd graders who are walkers may do so if the parent has informed the teacher/ front office staff in writing.  Please discuss with your child safety concerns of walking home.
  5. 3rd through 5th graders are dismissed through the “big gate” by the staff parking lot.
  6. 3rd through 5th grade students may leave the gate to walk home or meet parents waiting on surrounding streets. Please communicate to your child’s teacher (with a note) how your 3rd – 5th grader will be going home.
  7. Supervisors will meet students riding the bus inside the school grounds and escort them to the bus.
  8. City Day Bus riders will meet up with Supervisor then proceed to walk to Bus Stop at  the Park.  Supervisor will wait until bus arrives and all students board the bus.
Afternoon Procedures TK/Kindergarten
All TK/Kindergarten dismissal will be from the TK/Kindergarten playground.  Parents will enter and exit through the green gate near the front office.



All Students

All gates will open from 8:30 am - 9:00 am for student arrival.

Gates will reopen at 3:20 pm for dismissal.


This gate will be closed at all other times until the end of the school day.  If you are late you must enter through the Front Office and check in with the Attendance Office.


Please have children arrive to school early enough to ensure they have time to eat breakfast. Breakfast is free to all students and is served each day beginning at 8:30 a.m.